Participant Quotes
The problem is for unmarried males. They explained to me that they cannot talk in front of older people so they asked me to give them this information separately. I stayed in the school and met them and trained them there.
People like the stories about domestic violence. Sometimes I start a discussion and those that have a better understanding, raising questions and share their experiences.
After the training, I feel I have more decision-making power with my husband during sex. If my husband feels desire and I don't, I can tell him now that this is not good. When I motivate him, he listens to me.
In my village since this program, people are more aware than before. If anyone thinks they have an infection, they report it to me. I have seen about 20 people coming to me with symptoms like itching and ulcers. I counsel them and refer they to village doctors for treatment.
Pre-marital sex is common and this is useful for adolescents. My daughter said, “You educate others. Why not me?” I explained the information to her and she became so interested that she invites her friends to learn about the program.

Bangladesh Sexual and Reproductive Health Project

Bangledesh Cover

The Bangladesh Program includes stories about migration and risk, multiple partners,communication about STIs, women's vulnerability to STIs, pre-marital pregnancy, adolescent and adult communication, drug addiction, impotence, men who have sex with men, domestic and sexual violence and basic sexual and reproductive health information for adolescents and adults. The project was prepared for rural women and men. There is no writing on the front panels of pictures. The focus is on improving communication and awareness about HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health. Community health workers, pharmacists, village doctors and traditional birth attendants were trained to use the stories and materials to enhance their work. This project was sponsored by BRAC, ICDDR,B of Bangladesh and ICRW, Washington, DC.

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